Matthew is an Administrative Assistant at Snowbirds Wealth Management, focusing primarily on providing a personable and client-centered experience for all client actions through proactive communication and hospitable service. Matthew is currently pursuing his US licensing, as he strives to pursue a career as a Financial Advisor.
Matthew has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Finance from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. In addition to his US securities licensing, Matthew is looking to pursue a designation as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) in the coming years.
Relationship building and communication are key elements to the services provided by Matthew. His five years of experience in food and beverage hospitality have provided him with vital experience in understanding client concerns and pursuing effective solutions.
Matthew resides in North Vancouver, his hometown. His favourite activities include Golf and Hiking. He is also a passionate cook, specializing in Italian and French Cuisine. He commonly posts photos on his Instagram of his creations.