Blog List

• Moving to Canada With a Health Savings Account (HSA) - What You Need To Know
• Qualifying for Both Social Security and CPP - What You Need to Know
• What happens to an RRSP when a client relocates to the U.S.?
• Choosing A U.S. Resident as Your Executor Requires Caution
• A Guide to Rolling Your 403b into an IRA
• Discounted Bonds vs. GICs: Maximizing After-Tax Returns
• Reasons to Consider transferring your 401k to a Rollover IRA
• Social Security, CPP and OAS: What Happens When You Have Worked on Both Sides of the Border
• Cross-Border Wealth Management: Five Things To Know Before Moving From Canada to the U.S.
• Moving from Canada to the United States with Canadian Investment Accounts
• Comprehensive Reporting and Investment Expertise for Americans in Canada
• The Raymond James Advantage – Comprehensive Tax Reporting for U.S. Persons Residing in Canada
• Understanding Gift Tax: Your Obligations and When it Applies
• Consolidating Your TIAA Account
• Inheriting a Roth IRA: What You Need to Know
• The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
• The Top 5 Reasons to Keep Your IRA Instead of Transferring to an RRSP
• 60(j) Transfer: Should You Transfer Your U.S. Qualified Plan to an RRSP?
What to Do as a U.S. Individual Inheriting Canadian Dollars
The Implications of Using a U.S. Address on Investment Accounts When Moving Abroad
Are you considered a Covered or Uncovered Expatriate?
Required Minimum Distributions: FAQ
Crossing Borders and Maximizing Investments: Navigating Your Finances
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP): What you need to Know
Restricted Stock Units (RSUs): A Comprehensive Guide
FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report): Top things to know about FBAR
Why incorporated Business Owners should consider an Individual Pension Plan (IPP)
BACKDOOR ROTH IRA – What Is It & When Does It Make Sense
California Residents: Your Canadian retirement savings accounts DO NOT Grow Tax Free
Understanding Inherited IRAs
What To Do With Your U.S. Taxable Investment Accounts When You Become A Canadian Resident
Why You Should Work with A Cross Border Financial Adviser
Roth IRA: Moving To Canada with your Roth IRA
Mistakes to Avoid When Moving to Canada
U.S. Person Buying a Home in Canada
Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) and Why You Should Avoid Them
401(k) to IRA Rollover

Written by Carson Hamill CIM®, CRPC®, Associate Financial Advisor & Assistant Branch Manager & Dean Moro BComm, CIM®, Financial Advisor & Associate Portfolio Manager

Effectively managing your retirement savings requires adaptability. Life changes, whether through shifts in employment or relocations to new countries, may necessitate a reassessment of your financial strategy. In such situations, exploring options for your 403(b) plan becomes essential. This blog will focus on a popular choice: Transferring your old 403(b) into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

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Written by Dean Moro BComm, CIM®, Financial Advisor and Associate Portfolio Manager & Carson Hamill CIM®, CRPC®, Associate Portfolio Manager and Assistant Branch Manager

In the world of investments, where maximizing returns is a primary concern for many, the choice between different financial instruments can significantly impact the after-tax yield on your portfolio. Two popular options often considered by investors are Government of Canada bonds trading at a discount and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs). In this blog post, we'll explore the key differences between these two investment options and why discounted bonds can offer a superior after-tax yield.

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You've left your employer, or you’ve retired, but here's the twist - you left your 401(k) behind. Think of it like breaking up with your partner and deciding to leave your belongings at their place, even though you are now separated. Does this sound a bit odd?

In this blog we share 9 reasons you may want to consider converting your 401(k) to a rollover IRA when you leave your employer.

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